Monster Hours (Animated YouTube Series)
Anomaly for Patrick
Patrick’s always been told he, and any fish men that came before him, were human/animal embryos brewed in a Russian laboratory. This is simply not the case, and Patrick doesn’t even want it to be true, due to his general distaste for humanity. No, the truth is, some fishermen from an undisclosed European country wound up stumbling upon an island of Fishmen and stole a bundle of eggs. They were paid handsomely to sell them to their government for research purposes as long as they all kept it a secret. They were all later found dead by gunshot wounds to the chest or head, each death being declared a suicide.
The location of most of these eggs are mostly unknown due to a lab accident in the unknown Eastern European country. Some of them however, were stolen and of course, sold on the elusive Monster Black Market for hefty prices. Vince only managed to snag two of them at auction.
Out popped Patrick, then known simply as Fishman #1 and Fishman #2. They began life being trained in the art of assassination and plumbing. Let’s talk about the assassination part. When Silver or any other vampire employed by the company is unable to perform an assassination, the fishmen are. The company prefers vampires because their methods are cleaner, but they’re willing to compromise. They often take out their targets by moving through the sewers or other sources of water. Fishman #2 was more hesitant to kill than Patrick, which inevitably led to his downfall when he was shot by a target’s guards off the coast of Maine. Patrick is actually a surprisingly brutal killer, and definitely enjoys the action more than any other character. As mentioned before, he’s not a fan of humans. He would be delighted to kill the boss with how much plumbing he's forced to do. Work around the office is hell. The very, very occasional assassination he gets to perform is but a brief reprieve. He would escape during the assassinations, but he has a built in tracking device that was surgically embedded into his flesh as a child, and he isn’t allowed to leave his "home" without a Pest Reapers Bomb Collar © (Patent pending). Patrick’s difficulty with humans will be a growing point as he and Nicholas interact. His bitter attitude towards the world in general is also something that could use improving. It’ll all come together soon.
Patrick has a deep husky voice from the strain of speaking human languages, as squeaks and whistles are his native tongue. He sounds very monotonous most of the time and only ever shows emotion when he laughs at someone else's expense.
1. (Talking to Nicholas) “That’s not true, this guy’s one of those unreliable narrators”.
2. (Talking to Nicholas) “Hey! Listen here, Daddy’s money. I’ve killed people ten times your size”.
3. (Talking to Nicholas) “God, you’re such a loser”.