Second Chance Audio Drama
Joseph Bozlinski for The Captain
Not the oldest in terms of age, but assuredly the most emotionally mature. The Captain is a war veteran who cannot help but care deeply for those under their command. Consequently, they do not like anyone but themselves making the hard calls, despite their own trepidation in making those same calls.
(Said with a frantic sort of calm, keeping up appearances all while wildly aware of possible impending death)
Mayday, mayday. This is the Captain speaking for the crew of the Second Chance. Our engines have gone kaput and we are in desperate need of a landing pad, stretch of road, or random field now!
(With a commanding presence)
You can’t focus on the repairs if someone tries to plunder the ship.
(Reassuring and with unwavering pride)
I note your concerns, but I choose this crew for a reason, they can survive something like this without breaking a sweat.