Dead By Daylight Animated Series Pilot (Animated/Animatic) - Looking for VAs and other production roles
Stanley Cheeseburger for Bryan Donovan
Bryan Donovan is an older man, having worked in a police station in some middle of nowhere town for who knows how long. While he's content with the passive lifestyle he leads, it'd be bold to assume he isn't ready for whatever challenges he faces. In terms of voice, I think the best points of reference would be actors like Bryan Cranston and David Harbour: voices that sound a bit older, but clearly indicate they're out completely out of their prime just yet. Bryan Donovan will be a very important recurring character throughout the series.
So, Dwight, you mind giving us a bit of an explanation as to where you’ve been for, oh I don’t know, the last couple of decades. Took a wrong turn on the freeway I'd presume?
Nothing is gonna go back to the way that it was. Not really. But it’ll get better. In time.
Yes, James, I know EXACTLY how insane it sounds, I KNOW. But you try and give me a goddamn explanation as to how the hell this guy comes back untouched and unaged in a 30 year timespan and I'll be glad to drop the whole thing.