KREXA: Fractured Reality Season 2 | Animated Series (Paid Roles) *PROJECT CLOSED*
Richard Gibson for Krexa's Co-worker
A Ko-Matoran philosopher trapped in one of the Knowledge Towers of Ko-Metru with Krexa Prime and other Ko-Matoran, Krexa's co-worker is pretty level-headed, and talks to Krexa a lot. But when he thinks Krexa's going crazy, he gets concerned and tries to stop him from doing anything foolish.
(Discouraging) “Krexa, we’ve been over this. Ko-Matoran are scholars and astronomers. You aren’t a Ta-Matoran that needs to craft masks.”
(Reassuring) “Don’t be ridiculous. Where will you go? Up here in the Knowledge Towers, we’re safe, the outside elements can’t harm us, and we’re free to study our craft silently in the peace of quiet without the slightest bit of interruption.”
(Warning) “Wait, Krexa- don’t step any closer to the window! Watch out!”

I love the voice you went with for this character! Sounds like he would play well off of Krexa during the scene they're both in. Very awesome stuff!

Cheers, glad you enjoyed it. It's a voice I've been working on for a while so I'm glad it seems to work okay! : )