Vaporwyrm(Formerly Aesthetic Synthetic) video game Second Call
Richard Gibson for ???
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to:
Who’s this guy? I’m keeping it a secret, as his presentation really relies on some mystery, but he’s a foreboding presence that appears to the player on occasion. He has a very important role lore-wise, but for the demo he doesn’t have many lines(I think he might end up with less than 15), but he is an extremely important character that’s gonna need really good line delivery. I imagine him sounding evil, but not cartoonishly or stereotypically so. Sort of like a devil talking into your ear trying to get you to make a deal type of guy. Medium to low pitch.
I look forward to watching your progress.
I see you.
I heard through the grapevine that you’re looking for me?

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