Vaporwyrm(Formerly Aesthetic Synthetic) video game Second Call
Project Overview
Quick Project Summary
Vaporwyrm (formerly Aesthetic Synthetic) is my personal video game demo project. It is a vaporwave themed light-horror game that is all around odd, focused mainly on dialogue and exploration, with some first-person combat.
This demo takes place in a series of interconnected towers; In one section known as an Amalgamate Check-In station. This station is a sort of office location which is the workplace of a group of strange beings called Amalgamates who are present in the towers for unclear reasons. The player is currently trying to ascend the towers, but unfortunately finds themselves having some trouble getting through the check-in station, and unfortunately they seem to be attracting the attention of mysterious beings along their way.
What I Need
I have been expanding the scope of my demo and as such need voice actors for a few more characters. Please check the end of the video above for a very brief character showcase. Thank you for taking an interest in my project, and I look forward to hearing your auditions! (Please feel free to ask me any questions)
<<Racists, Transphobes, Sexists and Homophobes do not apply. They will be removed from the project if it's hidden and then discovered. Love each other and be respectful>>
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Hello! Thank you so much for all the auditions! I'll be going over them soon. It will be around 3-5 days before I cast who I think fits the characters best. Really excited to hear what everyone submitted. Thank you for taking an interest in my project.
Netiel (Net-ielle) is an angelic-like character who mainly serves to give exposition to the player about the Amalgamate's god. He sounds very polite, proper, and is all-around pleasant to listen to.
Ah! A newcomer. Welcome, welcome. I am Netiel, resident Angel chosen to run many of the various Amalgamate Chapels here in the towers. If there is anything I could tell you about the Great Amalgamate please do not hesitate to ask.
You are human so forgive me in supposing that you really know nothing at all.
Oh. You really should have seen one of us Angels sooner. You seem to be in desperate need of critical information.
These strange creatures roam the towers for unknown reasons, but can be found most anywhere. They are a bit erratic and can become rather silly. Some can unfortunately be hostile. All of them are extremely curious. I imagine them to be high-pitched. You would be voicing various Observers(They individually don’t have many lines, but there’s a lot of them).
Ah! Who are you! I’m supposed to be working, but look at this thing! Look at it!
I like it here! I get to watch the people go in and out!
Breakroom!? Is that where I am? Ohhhh. I’m not supposed to be here.
Who’s this guy? I’m keeping it a secret, as his presentation really relies on some mystery, but he’s a foreboding presence that appears to the player on occasion. He has a very important role lore-wise, but for the demo he doesn’t have many lines(I think he might end up with less than 15), but he is an extremely important character that’s gonna need really good line delivery. I imagine him sounding evil, but not cartoonishly or stereotypically so. Sort of like a devil talking into your ear trying to get you to make a deal type of guy. Medium to low pitch.
I look forward to watching your progress.
I see you.
I heard through the grapevine that you’re looking for me?
These strange creatures roam the towers for unknown reasons, but can be found most anywhere. They are a bit erratic and can become rather silly. Some can unfortunately be hostile. All of them are extremely curious. I imagine them to be high-pitched. You would be voicing various Observers(They individually don’t have many lines, but there’s a lot of them).
Ah! Who are you! I’m supposed to be working, but look at this thing! Look at it!
I like it here! I get to watch the people go in and out!
Breakroom!? Is that where I am? Ohhhh. I’m not supposed to be here.
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