Valentine's Heist: An Otome Escape Room Game (Otome Jam)
Richard Gibson for V

The mysterious mastermind behind the Valentine’s Heist. Their identity and just about everything else about them is completely unknown. They serve as the hint system for puzzles within the game, as well as a provider of character information and snarky quips.
Medium-high to high voice of any gender, youthful, preferably somewhat androgynous. Cheerful and calm, but with an edge of danger. There will be a filter applied in production-- you are welcome to add one in auditions, but please do at least 1 take without any filters.
(introductory) “You can call me V, or “Valentine” for the occasion. And that’s all you need to know about me. Who you do need to know more about is Ewan Bellows-- 14th richest man on the East Coast, CEO of Valkyrie Luxury Pet Products, and target of our heist.”
(cheerful like a camp counselor) “Time to get this robbery rolling! I’m here if you guys need anything, but just remember I will probably have you killed if you screw up. Have fun, do your best, and above all, don’t get caught!”
(helpful, teasing) “Need a hint? Check the room for things you can pick up. Don’t be scared to make Lupin check under furniture, even if he complains about getting his fancy pants dirty.”