Valentine's Heist: An Otome Escape Room Game (Otome Jam)

Project Overview
On the brink of financial ruin, you are recruited by a mysterious individual named V for a less-than-legal mission. The job? To rob eccentric luxury pet food giant Ewan Bellows and break through his complex security system to get to the personal safe inside his mansion.
As the assigned Woman-in-the-Chair for the heist, your job is to command your flirty coworkers Lupin and Robin through the security system to reach the safe.
Can you steal both the money and their hearts?
Who Are We?
We are Ballyhoo! Games, a 3-person development team made up of Honey the artist, Kry the programmer, and me, the writer! We are a passionate team intending to release this game as our first.
We are currently aiming to release a demo version of Valentine’s Heist by June 30th for Otome Jam 2021, with a full release to come afterward. The demo will include the first 2 puzzle rooms, several CGs, and lots of fun sprites and dialogue. We would also like to include a limited amount of voice acting, which is where you come in!
What We Need
We’re currently looking for 4 voice actors willing to work quickly to record lines for our demo. The deadline is June 15th at 11:59 PM EST. We will not cast before the deadline, but we will need lines completed within 1 week of casting, by June 23rd at the very latest. There won’t be many; we’re only planning to include some soundbites and a few short voiced lines for this demo. However, speed is incredibly important, as the game jam ends on June 30th and we will need to have time for the lines to be implemented.
Once the demo is completed, we will continue working on the full game and will need more lines recorded in the near future. We would ideally prefer a commitment from the VAs we cast for the demo to continue with the full game. In the event that, for whatever reason, voice lines are unable to be implemented in time for the demo to be completed, we will still need them for the full game.
Additionally, we're looking for a composer for original music. While this is not a strict necessity, we would love to have at least an original title screen song for the demo launch. In that vein, we are looking for a composer who is willing and able to complete at least 1 piece by June 28th. This role will be cast when we find a suitable fit, which may be before the deadline.
You must have a good quality microphone with limited background noise.
You must have a discord account and be willing to join the project server for communication.
You MUST be able to get a limited number of lines completed within a week of casting, by June 23rd.
You must be comfortable with F/M romance and some M/M content. This game is rated T, and while there will not be mature content there will be flirting, occasional innuendos, and swearing.
Please do 2-3 takes per line in auditions. No need to slate.
Thank you for your interest in the project! We look forward to seeing your auditions :)
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Latest Updates
Thank you so, so much to everyone who auditioned! We were so blown away by the response and enthusiasm for this project, and it was such a pleasure listening to everyone's interpretations of our characters. After much deliberation, we've decided on the voices for our cast! Congratulations to the selected VAs! :) We're hard at work on completing the demo for VH, and we're so excited to work with these VAs and share the finished product with the world! I'll send out an update here when the demo is available. Thank you all again!
Deadline Info & Composer Cast
The deadline now says the 16th due to realizing CCC is on a different timezone and changing it to make sure it doesn't say it's closed early, but the deadline is still *June 15th at 11:59pm* as stated in the project description. Thank you so much to everyone who's auditioned so far, we're blown away by the response this project has gotten! Additionally, we've found a composer offsite, and that role is now closed. The VA roles will remain open until the deadline.

Robin is a skilled thief who can crack any safe, break any lock, and will steal anything not nailed to the floor. He treats every job with a playful attitude.
Medium to medium-high young adult male voice. Energetic and youthful, kind of like if a shounen protagonist turned to a life of crime. Able to switch from playful teasing to teary, dramatic “tragic backstory” mode at the drop of a hat. Lies like breathing. Gets flustered when he tries to be earnest. Might occasionally fake an Australian accent (it doesn’t have to be good).
(flirtatious, friendly) “It’s a shame we can’t see you. Your voice is real cute, and I’m willing to bet the rest of you is cute too!”
(dramatically wistful) “You know, my father used to be a sailor. He would take me out on boats all the time. I loved those boats, like, uh, schooners-- that’s a type of boat, right? But one day, we got caught in a massive typhoon, and our ship was dragged into a whirlpool... that was the last I saw of my dear old father, clinging to the ship’s wheel as the waves swallowed him.”
(embarrassed) “Wow, you, uh, actually remembered I said that? I didn’t expect you to pick up on that kind of detail. You’re really impressive, Miss Hacker.”

Lupin is a conman known for being able to fool anyone and get anywhere with a number of disguises and great acting skills. He’s got an air of confidence and arrogance.
Medium to low young adult male voice. Suave and smooth, the kind of voice that would whisper low in your ear asking for your number, and you’d be so enthralled that it would take you a long time to realize your wallet was gone. Thinks he’s the smartest in the room but he’s not. Flirtatious, but isn’t used to genuine affection.
(flirty, friendly) “It’s a pleasure to be working with someone of your skill. Perhaps we can get to know each other better during this heist?”
(proud, explaining) “You want to know how I got in? One of my contacts procured a security uniform for this building a while ago at my request. I wasn't planning a heist at that time, I just liked the style of it. I have many security uniforms from several different companies; it’s always good to be prepared.”
(fond) “My, my, you really know the right things to say. I must admit, I’ve taken quite a liking to you. Have you enjoyed our banter as much as I have?”

A mysterious man with a mysterious role! He won’t be featured much in the demo, but will play a larger role in the full game.
Medium-low to medium-high young adult male voice. Serious and refined, like a British spy but like, American. He seems very put together, but is quick to lose his composure and go into a flustered ramble. Wants to be taken seriously, but is too easy to tease. Voice actor will need a wide emotional range.
(authoritative) “Raise your hands above your head and step away from the computer, slowly.”
(confused anger) “Who are you? How do you know my name? Why am I tied up?! Let me go this instant, or else--”
(flustered) “Wh- I- you-- are you flirting with me?? Do you understand the position you’re in here? Is there something wrong with you?!”

The mysterious mastermind behind the Valentine’s Heist. Their identity and just about everything else about them is completely unknown. They serve as the hint system for puzzles within the game, as well as a provider of character information and snarky quips.
Medium-high to high voice of any gender, youthful, preferably somewhat androgynous. Cheerful and calm, but with an edge of danger. There will be a filter applied in production-- you are welcome to add one in auditions, but please do at least 1 take without any filters.
(introductory) “You can call me V, or “Valentine” for the occasion. And that’s all you need to know about me. Who you do need to know more about is Ewan Bellows-- 14th richest man on the East Coast, CEO of Valkyrie Luxury Pet Products, and target of our heist.”
(cheerful like a camp counselor) “Time to get this robbery rolling! I’m here if you guys need anything, but just remember I will probably have you killed if you screw up. Have fun, do your best, and above all, don’t get caught!”
(helpful, teasing) “Need a hint? Check the room for things you can pick up. Don’t be scared to make Lupin check under furniture, even if he complains about getting his fancy pants dirty.”
Looking for a composer willing and able to finish at least 1 piece for the demo title screen by June 28th. We'd prefer someone willing to do more for the full game if possible, and can discuss details once the demo is complete. We're looking for music fitting for an otome game with a heist theme and escape room-style gameplay mixed with visual novel aspects. Please submit samples of your work, if you have anything from similar types of projects that's a bonus! This role may be cast before the deadline if we find a suitable composer before then.
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions