Stick-Ers: An Animated Sitcom
amira777 for Storyboard Artist
Hey there, storyboard artists and friends alike! We could use your help.
Let's start with the length of time an episode of Stick-Ers usually lasts for: 10-14 minutes. I cant say exactly how many drawings you will have to make, as it will depend on the episode, but if there's a longer episode you will be compensated for that, alongside any re-writes we need storyboarded.
Software: Unlike the animation, the software is ENTIRELY down to you! So long as we can get the images and take them into an animatic. We DO recommend a proper storyboarding software, like "Storyboard Pro" by Toon Boom, however, that software is incredibly expensive, so work with what you have!
Payment: So, the "Per Project" say's $484 and we aren't technically wrong, but let's get more specific: We will pay $16 for every 30 seconds storyboarded.
When appyling: Please show me a google doc with video evidence of your storyboards being produced and the final product of said storyboards. Maybe even describe your process. Extra videos or audio explanations would help!
Say something you think would fit