Miitopia HD: The Fandub Part 1
Zachary Martell for Dubious Mayor
The mayor of Greenhorne. He should sound friendly, but also sort of fatigued for some of the lines. He should also sound slightly older, as I imagine him as being the mayor for a while. Especially how he talks about the town, like he's seen it from the mayor's perspective for a while. And, while I don't want you to lean into this too much, he should sound tired. Imagine a long day of work and a new person walks up to you. Maybe even an hour or two before you go home for the day. I was thinking you could replicate Toro from Nomad of Nowhere. Maybe slightly higher pitched. The link below includes who I'm talking about, and the voice actor for him describes almost one for one what I'd want.
https://youtu.be/zg3bdspvIiQ (About 1:48)
(Slightly tired, like he's said this multiple times before; meeting the protagonist) "Greenhorne's a nice town. But I'm the mayor, so I kinda have to say that."
(Petrified, a mayor watching his townspeople's faces getting taken) "Ohhh! It's terrible! Th-Their f-faces!"
(Surprised, seeing all of the people's faces getting returned) "What? When did the town get back to normal? ... Oh, that's good news. Very good news, indeed!"