Baten Kaitos - Recast [2F] - 1 Main, 1 Supporting-Antagonist - [CLOSED]
August Ale for Melodia (Supporting-Antagonist)

AGE 16
CHARACTERISTICS: Charming, gentle, graceful, ladylike, but also two-faced, manipulative, vengeful, dark
VOICE RANGE: MID - MID HIGH - HIGH [Voice Sample] - A suggestion, exact voice matching is not mandatory.
Recurring character. Appears in Episode 5, and sporadically throughout, up until the big reveal, where she plays a more active role.
Lady Melodia is the well-respected granddaughter of Duke Calbren, and dearly loved by her people. She carries herself gracefully and appears very sensitive and pure of heart. She has an affinity for spirits, shown when she successfully coaxes an otherworldly creature to leave the human realm in peace. It is unknown if her shows of compassion are an act, but it is later revealed, mid-way through the game, that Melodia is under the influence of Malpercio, the evil god of legend himself.
She is the source of the mysterious, ominous voice that appears on-screen every time the main cast breaks a seal.
Behind her sweet, gentle, and ladylike exterior is a skillful manipulator with a honeyed tongue. She succeeds at charming the tyrannical Emperor Geldoblame, and controls him undetected behind the scenes, tricking him into resurrecting Malpercio.
IMPORTANT NOTES: This character has ulterior motives. She has two sides. One is gentle and lady-like, and the other is hidden, venomous, and manipulative. I would like for you to demonstrate both. Melodia is listed as a teenager, but I would not be opposed to her having a mature, slightly older voice, to reflect her upbringing, origins, and Malpercio's influence.
(pleasantly, effortlessly putting a stop to an argument) Both of you, please stop fighting. I couldn’t possibly choose between the pastries you make. Both of you are so talented.
(excited, politely, after being promised sweets) How wonderful. I can hardly wait. Have a nice day, both of you.
(yelling, distressed, trying to stop a fight) No! You can't fight here!
[The ground starts to rumble.]
(worriedly) The Tree spirits! Your hatred is stirring them up! The boundary between dimensions is breaking apart...!
(beseeching, then soothing the creature) You must stop this! It's all right now... Just calm down. (reassuringly) Everything will be all right. Go back home now, okay? This is no place for you to be... Not yet...
(mysterious, ominous, unseen to all, as if in a trance) The gate to Le has been opened. You worthless mortals. No matter what you may do… No matter what you may try… there is no avoiding that which must come to pass.
(vengeful, with dark delight) I will find you all… None will escape! I am the blade of divine revenge! (giggling) Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
(sweetly, before having him executed) That's not a very nice thing to say, my dear have only yourself to blame for assuming too much. Thank you... and farewell, Your Magnificence. (Emperor Geldoblame is appalled at Melodia's true colors and has claimed she betrayed him)