Baten Kaitos - Recast [2F] - 1 Main, 1 Supporting-Antagonist - [CLOSED]
Jaime for Xelha (Lead Role)

Age 17
CHARACTERISTICS: Courageous, earnest, warm, genuine, passionate, sincere, kind
VOICE RANGE: MID LOW – MID – MID HIGH – HIGH [Voice Sample] - A suggestion, exact voice matching is not mandatory.
Major Role. Appears in Episodes 4, 5, and onward.
Kindhearted, brave, and on a dangerous mission to stop the Emperor from bringing about the end of the world. Xelha is extremely driven and determined, but she is not above putting aside her goals to help the people in front of her. Her innocent face and gentle demeanor easily inspire trust within others and puts them at ease. Despite her looks, she is a skilled magic-user, and seems determined to enlist the help of Kalas despite his complete disinterest in joining her cause.
Xelha is young, but has an unmistakable mark of maturity. There is more to her than meets the eye.
IMPORTANT NOTES: I described Xelha as courageous in the description, but she is not so in a (usually) imposing or solemn sort of way. She is gentle, encouraging, and seems to be by most appearances, a very ordinary girl. This makes it all the more shocking when she is revealed to be a Queen, a secret she kept hidden extraordinarily well.
(solemnly, challenging Kalas) Are you just going to leave the people of Diadem in the Empire’s clutches? How could you live with yourself? (Kalas wants to back out of their plans to save Diadem. They had been traveling together a while and she's clearly disappointed in him)
(playful, pleased) I asked an old witch to cast an intricate illusion spell on it. You wouldn’t be able to tell them apart. I’ll bet Geldoblame and Giacomo are furious by now. (She still has her amulet, and is proud she managed to outwit their enemies)
(gently) Lyude, I was thinking… Why don’t you come with us? (Lyude is visibly hesitant, so she continues encouragingly, reassuring him)
Remember, we’re not trying to start a war with the Empire. It’s about stopping Geldoblame and his malicious plans. Please… we could really use your help!
(pensively, alone to herself) Yes ... for now, I can be Xelha... Just Xelha. When I'm here... I can forget about what I am... The burden I carry as the Ice Queen...
(losing her composure, exasperated, to Kalas) What was I supposed to say to you?! 'The long lost ocean is inside me? Why don't you come with me and we'll find ourselves an exciting adventure?' (Xelha has dropped an earth-shattering announcement on Kalas, causing him to demand why she didn't tell him sooner)
(Battle Sounds. Please provide your best 2 takes.)
[Battle Finisher, Magic Incantation]: "Watch out! I'm not that innocent! Magic: Soul Flash!" / "Mighty fire, be guided by my will! Magic: Dancing Flames!"
[Attacking/Using Item]: "Hah!" "Take this!"
[Casting Magic]: "Chronos Blow!" "Fire Burst!" "Dark Flare!"
[Blocking]: (tauntingly) "Is that all?"
[Taking Damage]: "Unnh!" "Ow!"
[Death]: (weakened) "Sorry… everyone…" / Death Cry.