Mysterious Forum and the 7 Rumors Chapter 1 Fandub
Devin_DK for Yuuki
Short Bio: Yuuki is a rather timid and shy individual. While being quite an intelligent student, as shown when he helps Akane with advanced mathematics he hasn’t even had yet, he rarely has the self will to speak his opinions or will onto others. Even though he is rather skittish when push comes to shove he can always be depended to muster the courage to help his friends through a difficult situation.
Chapter 1 Line Amount: 138
(Concerned, worried about Akane’s safety) So…that’s why….I told you the other day. The rumors that are posted in the forum become true…that’s too dangerous…
(Agreeing with Shino about Akane’s inability to stay on topic during an interview) Yeah, you were talking with an old lady about something else in the interview the other day…
(Concerned/Slightly Scared, Akane is pulling him away from the ghost so they aren’t killed) What? Akane Senpai!? Hold up…Ouch! Don’t pull that hard!