Mysterious Forum and the 7 Rumors Chapter 1 Fandub
Project Overview
Hello, and welcome to the casting call for Mysterious Forum and the 7 Rumors Chapter 1 Fandub.
Game Synopsis:
The mysterious forum is the aptly named forum for the Newspaper Club. Using this forum, the club is given tips to news or situations that people want to be investigated. There is one issue with the forum however, that is that the forum has been cursed by a grudge. Whenever a rumor or gossip is posted onto the board it will inevitably come true. When an anonymous user begins to post dangerous and threatening rumors which run the risk of putting people in danger, the newspaper club must solve each one. As the danger mounts and the situation worsens, the fate of the forum is called into question, and the situation which caused the forum to be cursed may just slowly come to light.
The intent for this project is to cover Chapter 1 of the Mysterious Forum and the 7 Rumors. As this is a VN style game it is considerably heavy in the line department. As such I’m splitting this project into divided chapters to make sure everything runs smoothly.
I’ve been helping with projects over the years. This includes audio mixing/mastering for projects such as Adversaria’s Kubera series, and her Phantom of the Opera fanfic radioplay. This has given me experience in combining and making believable soundscapes with leveled sound to compliment their place in the soundscape.
What can you expect after auditioning?
After the casting call has passed the deadline date, depending on time and amount of auditions, I will go through and potentially give out critiques to everyone who auditioned. After final casting is made you’ll be given a script to work with to record your lines. A raw video will also be provided for extra context in terms of some small animation which may inform you of the situation the character is in.
Expectations for Auditions
For the purpose of auditions you should refer to the impact a character has on an episode by their line amount. The higher the line amount, the higher the standard for auditions rises. This is not to discourage those who feel they don’t have fantastic mics for auditioning. Some USB mics can produce some excellent sound if put into the right conditions. This is to make sure that I can best represent you the actor in the best light. It’s unfair to cast someone in a role where their bad quality (hiss, noise, etc) would earn them the ire of the audience even though you’re just doing your job, since the director cast them. Additional effects such as Noise Cancellation, Equalizer, etc. should not be used in your audition. I have my own audio chain that I use and having everyone at their base quality makes things much easier to make everyone sound as if their coming from the same place. Especially in the case of Noise Cancellation as this is a destructive process that should only be done in the post-production phase to mitigate the effects.
Tips and Tricks?
This section is not mandatory to the project but will help give you an idea of how to make your audition more presentable and more likely to be chosen. These are as follow:
1. Keep your distance to the mic around 6 inches away. A good guideline is to make the "hang ten" hand sign or the phone sign. Place this sign with one end touching where the mic is and then position yourself about where the other finger sticks out. Depending on hand size there may be adjustment as you may be closer or farther away from the mic.
2. Try to record your audition volume at around -18 to -9 DB on average with peaks no louder than -3 DB. This allows for a clear strong signal that will require less boosting which can lead to unintended results. After recording just eyeball where the average of your volume tends to hit. At best the median should be in that range.
3. Record in .WAV mono. . As WAV is uncompressed it is more 1:1 to real life allowing for easier subtle manipulation from the post processing side.
4. Give the spark of life! Everyone has unique properties to their voice which I strive to hear. Give me something no one else can match that is "your" unique interpretation.
If you have any questions leave a comment or message me. I am here to help!
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Latest Updates
Hello! I'm sorry for the severe delay in the casting of this project. I've been steadily going through all the auditions and between critiques and real life it took me longer than I had realized it would. I have a total of around 40 pages of critiques for everyone who auditioned. Critiques will be sent over PM to avoid any character limits in comments and to keep critiques private to each and every actor. Due to the limitations put on the PM system, it will take me awhile to get all the critiques sent out but they should be finished by the 21st and the voice actors chosen will be cast. If your still active and looking forward to this project, I sincerely thank you for your patience for this long process.
Audition Period Over
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time and effort to audition for this project. With the audition period over we've amassed over 100+ auditions for just a singular 5 roles which is amazing and beyond all expectations, and I want to make sure everyone who has taken the time to give their take on character knows how thankful I am for all the dedication you have given. Over the course of today I will be downloading all the auditions and will be going through the selection process, this will also entail formulating critiques for everyone who has submitted an audition. If you do not wish to have a critique done on your audition then you can either message me or leave a comment on your audition and I will note it down. The critique process may take awhile since I will have over 100 auditions to look over and listen to, but I will try to get through the process as soon as a I possibly can. Please note, that the critiques will not be based on how "right" or how "wrong" you are. I will be just trying to relate how your audition and performance came across to me and how effectively it communicated your intent among other various aspects. This is an art form and as such beauty is in the eye of the beholder so there is no way I can tell you in an empirical way you what is "right" and what is "wrong. In the end that is up to your judgement. Thank you for all the time you put into auditioning and I hope we can continue to foster a working relationship in the future whether you are cast or not.
Short Bio: Akane is one of the members of the newspaper club. A bright and cheerful girl, she can usually be found in a perpetual high energy mood. Akane tends to be a very empathetic and positive individual, because of this aspect of her personality she is the driving force for solving the rumors that appear on the Mysterious Forum, wanting to help the ghosts that are trapped by the curse on the Mysterious Forum. You can never seem to find her in a bad mood, however this belies a off kilter-ness to her upbeat personality due to her past. Due to a turbulent home life growing up as her parents constantly moved about, she developed the ability to always be positive and that “everything is okay” to stop her parents from worrying about her from all the moving that had happened.
Chapter 1 Line Amount: 288
(Flustered, spitting out words without thinking after learning she may die from the rumor) He’s right! You’re a rascal! Cold blooded! Four Eyes!
(Indignant, Yuuki has just agreed with Shino that Akane is not good at interviewing people) HOW CAN YOU AGREE WITH HER!? I’m so good at interviewing people
(Crying, empathizing with the ghost’s tragic fate) …I….was scared. Every time ‘YOU’ chose me and sent me a photo…I thought that I would die…..But maybe…. “YOU’ were thinking that same way too, right?
Short Bio: Yuuki is a rather timid and shy individual. While being quite an intelligent student, as shown when he helps Akane with advanced mathematics he hasn’t even had yet, he rarely has the self will to speak his opinions or will onto others. Even though he is rather skittish when push comes to shove he can always be depended to muster the courage to help his friends through a difficult situation.
Chapter 1 Line Amount: 138
(Concerned, worried about Akane’s safety) So…that’s why….I told you the other day. The rumors that are posted in the forum become true…that’s too dangerous…
(Agreeing with Shino about Akane’s inability to stay on topic during an interview) Yeah, you were talking with an old lady about something else in the interview the other day…
(Concerned/Slightly Scared, Akane is pulling him away from the ghost so they aren’t killed) What? Akane Senpai!? Hold up…Ouch! Don’t pull that hard!
Short Bio: Shino is the only member of the newspaper club before Akane and Yuuki joined her. She tends to be calm, cool and composed. She talks in rather mature tones, and most of the time seems to keep the others at arms length emotionally. She has gradually begun to warm to the two new members, however still shows a rather distant tendency to them. Shino also tends to snap easily if the feels that someone is trying to make fun of her intentionally which may indicate some past trauma. The reasons behind her attitude and actions is unknown, but tracking down the rumors may reveal something no one ever expected to find.
Director’s Note: Due to spoilers to late game plot some details cannot be shared at the moment over this casting call. If you feel that you need the additional information please message me.
Chapter 1 Line Amount: 114
(Exasperated, responding to Akane’s flustered insults) Calm down, girl…Don’t make fun of me wearing glasses…geez…
(Concerned, Cautioning) …I’m not trying to scare you, but if you go there, you gotta be very careful, though. The park seems to be such a special place for the rumor.
(Explaining, responding to Akane’s message about not making fun of her for the feelings she gets from the park) Your intuition sometimes pierces the heart, so…If you think that way, don’t try to change it. Believe in your intuition.
Short Bio: The ghost that is involved in the rumor. A person will be sent a photo, and every day a new photo will be sent as the girl approaches closer and closer. If a person stares into her eyes then they will be killed. This is the curse that now binds this ghost. Originally a girl who was being stalked by someone and was continually sent pictures of an unknown content. She never told anyone, fearing that it would be a burden to others. Eventually the stalker was arrested, however she never lived to see that moment.
Chapter 1 Line Amount: 13
Anyone is fine….any…one…please….save me
I was scared…But I couldn’t say it…Because I was weak…Because I didn’t rely on anybody…
I’m sorry that I scared you. Thank you for understanding me. For not running away from me. Thank you.
Short Bio: The user who has now started posting dangerous rumors on the forum. All of the rumors posted by this person always seem to involve harm to someone and never seem to be idle gossip. Their tone comes across as fake and saccharine, as their tone seems to contradict the rather grisly nature of the rumor.
Director’s Note: This character should have a saccharine, or overly fake tone of voice to their lines. This character’s intent are intentionally malicious. As such their rather wishy-washy nature of not knowing if the rumor is false is inherently fake. The tone should portray someone who is acting nice but means you inherent harm.
Chapter 1 Line Amount: 2
I’m posting it here, because I got a little scared. Why> There’s a rumor going on among my friends. One of them is a jokester so I’m actually still skeptical. But again, another friendknows the same rumor too.
And then her face gets clearer…if your eyes meet, she will appear in front of you…You end up being killed by her.
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