Red Dead Revelation: An Audio Drama (Spot-On Impersonators Needed!)
JJGoldFalcon for Arthur Morgan

Arthur Morgan is the protagonist of Red Dead Redemption II and has a similar role in Red Dead Revelation. Tough, rugged, and reliable, Arthur serves as a senior member in the Dutch Van Der Linde gang. His distinctive southern accent is unmatched and it is a MUST to sound as close to him as possible. Example: Arthur Morgan Voice Example
I know. I prefer the good pulps that made us out like vaudeville stars, but that’s because we conducted our work in controlled environments we’re used to. If we go along with this, we’ll be next issue's villains.
<Spits> Do you want this cold so bad? Then come and take it!!
Aww, things like this happen Hosea. I ain’t sore about it none. Sure, if we had everyone else, may be a different story; but we worked with what we had and got a little out of it. Besides, four bars of gold is still a pretty good catch.