Randal's Friends【 Webcomic Fandub 】

Baldar for Nyen

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A person who thinks of himself quite highly because of his distance from being like a human and gaining traits from Luther. He was a lot different before joining Luther's presence when he was just a normal human and a different person altogether. Nyen hasn't been as long in the house as Nyon.
Usually seen wearing a black top of some kind. The most common one in sight is one that says NEVADA on it. He claims it was from his favorite victim so he likes to wear it a lot, but Luther found it for him at a second-hand store.

We would prefer Nyen to have a more deep and gruff voice as opposed to Nyon and his gentle reserved nature. Again, since both of them are of Russian descent the Russian accent is optional. Nyen does have significantly more lines than Nyon, and speaks Russian frequently towards the end of Vol 1.

Line References
1, 2

  • (Strained; scratching at the walls)
    I'm so close. Body... is tingling. All the senses in my body are telling me... the future... is becoming one with the present... khehehe.

  • (Threatening) Look here.
    This is how they determine everyone's place in the house. See? You've already been added... dead last.
    Now, as for me... I'm at the top of the pets of the household. Which means you're in my territory.
    You listen to everything I say, and don't do anything that upsets me... unless you want to fight me for my place.

    Now move. You're blocking the bathroom.

  • Ты на моей территории.
    [ Ty na moyey territorii. ]

    Вы слушаете все, что я говорю.
    [ Vy slushayete vse, chto ya govoryu. ]

Randal's Friends【 Webcomic Fandub 】

hey bro, im here to give ya a few tips to help you get in (: 1. turn up your mic and make sure your emphasis on words are consistent throughout the lines, still doing the 2-3 takes per line in AABBCC form 2. stay close to the mic and dont move!!!!!!! just place it like, next to your face and record like that to avoid plosives and spiking ..... ok thats it, if you wanna reaudition with these in mind you can send it to a mutual on FB or you can resend it here so its on your CCC record (: i wanna help u get your career n shit started yknow


    oh and!!!!! 3. try to remove as much background noise as possible, thats a HUGE thing too!! i look forward to ur new audition!!

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