Once Upon a Kingdom - A Fantasy/Animation Short
LordSchmee for Grums
Grums is a dwarf, and so does not come from the Kingdom of Rikland like the other soldiers. He was born and raised in the Dwarven Kingdom, but like many other dwarfs joined the Rikland army. The trust has always been strong between the two kingdoms. Grums is a loyal friend, but feels a bit out of place among the others since he’s the only dwarf in the entourage. He has trouble understanding sarcasm, or humor in general really, something Lancel usually exploits.
We’re looking for a male actor with a classic scottish dwarven voice (look to The Hobbit and LotR for inspiration).
(This line is spoken to Ilaine, in an almost hushed tone as he leans in.) “Make no mistake, never underestimate a troll. And keep an extra eye open at night, two, if you can. That's when they like to get you.”
(Here, Grums is trying his best to tell a joke of his own, but fails.) “Well, I know this one joke. Ok, here goes. Why is a tunnel better than a bridge? Because it's underground!”
Thank you for auditioning! We'll wait with casting all the roles until the deadline has passed, but we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Thank you for your response! I look forward to potentially working with you.