Randal's Friends【 Webcomic Fandub 】
Minty_SecretionsVA for Randal Ivory
A young man who likes doing things no matter how pointless they are. Usually wears his standard clothing of black clothes with white collar (it's a white shirt underneath) and buttons (even while sleeping) and gloves. Can get very attached to different people and friends, usually with the receiving end wanting nothing to do with him. However, the friendships never seem to last long and are back to being seen with just his dolls besides the family he lives with (Same thing with some certain dolls never being seen again).
He also tends to distort the truth and what's real from what's not, since he enjoys causing chaos, so even these words might be distorted.
For Randal, we would appreciate that the auditionee had a good sense of dynamics and improv. Randal's voice would change up quite a bit, so it'd be nice to have different voices or takes per line to give something for us to work with.
Line References
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(Yelling from the front door) I've got the snacks! I fell into dirt on the way home, but it was like, sweet dirt.
Was so good.(Awkwardly quiet, as if trying to act normal) There's some fake people in the next class down... just so you guys know.
Okay, enough of this baby game.
But it's so fun! It's called Jim Carrey's Revenge!
If you keep going, you'll eventually find my spirit animal... Jack Nicholson.
He's in there somewhere.
I wish Sebastian came today. He'll have to come with me one day to see how fun school is!!