Giogio's Bizarre Adventure PS2 Real-time Fandub
ToastLord for Ghiaccio

Ghiaccio is the final member of the Hitman Team that Bruno's group directly encounters (due to Risotto already being killed by the time the group finds him), and pursues Giorno and Mista as they attempt to reach Venice. Ghaccio is an extremely unstable man who is enraged by oddities in language, and wields the Stand White Album, which encases his entire body and allows him to skate around his environment as if he was on ice, as well as freezing everything including the air around him using his secondary ability Gently Weeps.
Ghiacco is a confident, short-tempered and yet a level-headed person. His voice is in the medium high range.
(Determined) You won't escape... whatever is at the station is coming home with me, Ghiaccio.
(Angry) In English, they say it like "Pairiss"... but the rest of the world says "Paree" like the French do. So how come everyone calls Venezia by its English name, "Venice"?! The Merchant of Venice and Death in Venice... Why can't they call it Death in Venezia!? Are you happy with that!? I'm not happy at all! Is this your idea of a fucking joke!? It's Italian, you goddman bastards! Speak fucking Italian! Fuck, that pisses me off! You stupid motherfuckers!(Angry) I've gotta find them, come hell or high water... That phrase, "hell or high water"... I get the "high water" part. I totally get it, 'cause maybe a flood could happen or something... but what the fuck does the "come hell" part mean?! Who thinks hell can just move around!? What a stupid fucking phrase! It seriously pisses me off! You think Hell's gonna grow arms and legs and crawl out of the ground, huh?! Fuck no, you dumb shit! Hell stays right underground where it belongs!!