The Rat King's Wife
Richard Gibson for Voice Actor and Narration
This is the lead role in this project. In this story, the main character, King Meier, is telling his story from the first prospective. THere are two parts to this role, the first is the narration. This is Meier telling his story in the past prospective. The second is when he's speaking to other people in his story, It's as if he's really there talking to them. Meier's outlook is Lonely, and emotionally driven.
- english
- male adult
- scottish
- Gaelic
- irish (dublin)
- narration
- deep
- animation/character
“Anna?” I said softly. “What a beautiful name.”
"Whatever it is I can repay it. I am the strongest in my clan you know this!"
The sound of silence from this specific place caught my attention. I thought I feel myself being pulled closer to it. As I peeked past my cape, I could see the dark secret of bones and Death hiding there. The secret of ravaged animals, hungry and weak. An ally of Death. The weight of what had happened here, had not yet fallen on my back, so I continued forward. I could only shutter from the unexplainable feeling of dread.

Thanks for you're takes. I have a question. Instead of doing this role here, would you like to voice a different character in the same project named Jonathan? He is King Meier's less emotional but much smarter friend from the next clan over. He is also the doctor there. It would be the same pay of course.

Sure, I can lend my voice to different characters if needed; that's not a problem.

Are you still interested in doing the role for Jonathan?

Yes; I'm still interested. I'll be able to record on the weekend; I am currently travelling and am away from home, and am due to return on Friday evening/Saturday afternoon.

Alright. that works well with me. If you have discord, I am LongJohn#9104 there. I look foward to working with you.

No problem; I've sent a friend request on Discord. It'll be from HapHazred#3540; I may be a little slow to reply at times until I'm home, but I'll do my best to read any info you send before then!