Genshin Impact Webtoon and Comic Dubs [Book Club Dubs]
Shay-Ki Fullalove for Razor (ray-zor)
Character Description
Some say he is an orphan raised by wolves. Others say he is a wolf spirit in human form. He is most at home in the wild, fighting with claw and thunder. To this day the wolf boy can be found prowling the forest, where he and his wolf pack hunt to survive using nothing more than their animal instincts.
Vocal Description
Medium or Medium-High subdued monotone voice. Pauses between sentences, sounds like he is struggling with the language.
“Lupical means wolf home-- no, lupical means wolf family. My lupical lives in the woods. They say I’m their lupical.” (warm; stating fondly)
“When I run with you, when I hunt with you, I am happy. With you, I am not a wolf, I am not a boy, I am just me. I am Razor. Because you are my friend. You are my Lupical. I hope you feel happy, too!” (Introspective and somber, shifting tone to a subdued happy emotion.)
“Grr! Sharpen claws. Sharpen teeth. Become stronger!” (Grr is a growl; very subdued ramp-up)
I think this is a winner personally
Ahh! Thank you so much, you're too kind!