Unchanging Love (MLPFiM fanfic adaptation)
Tom Laflin for High Marks
High Marks is a snooty/rich customer that comes into the Sweat Roast Cafe one day. He has 6 lines.
Yeah, I'll have an iced caramel macchiato, double shot. And can you make it quick? My lunch is over in ten minutes.
[responding to name request] High Marks. And if you can bump my order up to the front, I'll throw in a little tip. ["Sorry, sir. This is a first-come, first-serve cafe and you still have a couple orders in front of you."] Excuse me? I'm a busy stallion. I said I'd pay you for an expedited service.
[furious after snatching his completed drink off the counter] I hope you're pleased with yourself. You've made me late for work. [Sweet Leaf: "I apologize, sir, but this is the lunch rush and as such the wait times are..."] I don't care! I expected quality service and what I received was nothing short of a disgrace! You will not see me again.
You got the part! Congratulations; Azure Notion cast you as High Marks. I can't send any more private messages in October, so please contact me, either on this site, via my e-mail address (found on my YouTube channel by solving the Captcha), or by adding me on Discord - Dogman15#6007.
Oh my gosh this is perfection! hahah love it!