Fallout: The Frontier Casting Call Round 23
jessekruger for Jay Goddard
The Frontier has had its share of bloody history. You figured “Hey, a slick fella from Reno like me could make a quick cap off some suckers if I turned a mass grave into a tourist trap.” And so you did. Maybe even looted a few corpses along the way. You're one smooth talker.
Record all audition lines while referring to the notes below for each line and do one take of each line.
For the audition line, you're casually and calmly approaching a fully armed stranger. Guns just show someone is in need of attention and care. You're going to be their friend by the end of this chat.
Listen I know we just met, and there's nothing really stopping you from just shooting me, but maybe we can work something out.
Great work! However you should have submitted this audition for Knight Algerin.
Ah, my apologies! I was excited to submit to the roles on this project and got a bit ahead of myself. I'll repost it there so it's easier for you to keep track of.