Yamada & The Seven Witches OVA 1 & 2 English Fandub
Devin_DK for Kentaro Tsubaki

Initially, a bit of a loner he becomes friends with Ryu and joins the Supernatural Study Club. Once he does, Kentaro is shown to become a more cheerful person. Even though he still teases and screws with Ryu from times to times, Kentaro respects him as friend and gives up on his hopeless crush on Urara while becomes friend with her. Kentaro is also shown to be an honest person, always saying what he has on his mind exactly. (Voice Range: Medium – Medium-High)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dWUlC-7baWYk0gUFWSTFayY7QA1HcjEF/view?usp=sharing)
Hey! Don’t you feel sorry for this cold tempura? At least let me refry it now.
*Annoyed sigh* So what you just want me to go along and do this girly performance with you all?
Then all we have to do is not place last.