Yamada & The Seven Witches OVA 1 & 2 English Fandub

Project Overview
Hey everyone! Thank you for checking out my casting call for "Yamada & The Seven Witches" OVA English Fandub! I am currently looking to cast voice actors and voice actresses to portray various characters for these two OVA's! I recently watched this series and fell in love! The series was officially dubbed but the two OVA's were not. I think these OVA's deserve to be dubbed as they are fun and even goes through some aspects of the manga that the anime itself didn't add (These OVA's were released BEFORE the series). Not to mention the song "ding!ging!dong! is a BOP.
"Yamada & The Seven Witches OVA" happens during the School Festival. The Supernatural Studies Club must participate in the Performance Festival event that occurs during Suzaku High School's Festival. When Yamada overhears that the club in last place of the Performance Festival gets disbanded he tries his best to rally everyone together to not only prevent The Supernatural Studies Club from disbanding but to get first and win the prize money!
Deadline & Casting
As of now, the deadline is set at July 17th, 2020. I currently have NO plans to extend the deadline. However, if there is a situation where an extension is needed, this page will be updated immediately. I will NOT be casting before the deadline. The roles of Ryu Yamada, Miyabi Itou & Nene Odagiri have been casted.
Auditions & What I'm looking for!
For each role available, I have prepared a "Reference Videos" in numerical order (Line 1 is clip 1) of the exact moments in the OVA's where that character is saying the audition lines! Each video also comes with subtitles coming from the script to notify the viewer which line it is! Each line is written in a way designed to match the lip flaps of the character speaking! I highly recommend watching the "Reference Videos" to help with tone and how the lines should sound! Anytime there is an anime/action noise indicated by *...*, it is expected to be in your audition. Any auditions not containing anime/action noises as indicated will be notified. I am looking for voice actors and actresses that have acting ability with clear mics that have little to no background noise. Do not be discouraged if the part you are interested in has auditions with many upvotes! I will not cast based on upvotes (On that note, I will NOT upvote any auditions so all upvotes are from your fellow CCC users!) though it is very nice to encourage fellow auditionees! (Note: Please keep a positive attitude throughout production! Would rather the negativity stay out of this production!)
What to expect and When to expect it!
If casted, you can expect a friendly and warm environment to showcase your voice acting ability! As well as receiving a final product of both OVA's. We are looking to produce both OVA's and If you'd like any idea of how I edit fandubs, definitely check out the four episodes of Anohana that I did or some of the clips in my "Previous Works" sections! Production should start as soon as casting is done! (Subject to change) I expect all lines to be turned in before the deadline and whoever is casted to be committed! I have zero tolerance for people whom are unresponsive or dropping from the project during production without good reason. This is a group effort and the only way to make this work and be effective is if everyone participates :)
The main form of communication for this project will be through "Discord". Cast members will be required to have a "Discord" to communicate with myself and other cast members. Scripts, video scripts and lines will be delivered through either Discord or Email. Whatever the cast prefers!
In case you need help on pronunciation of certain words or names, here's a list! (Going with the official dubs pronunciation of the names)
Yamada: Yah-Mah-Dah
Shiraishi: She-Rah-E-She
Odagiri: Oh-Dah-Gee-Ree
Ushio: Ooo-She-Oh
Asuka: Ah-Ss-kah
Yamazaki: Yah-Mah-Zah-Key
Otsuka: Oh-tsu-ka
Final Notes
ALL roles will be subjected to play extras. A ton of extras has quite a bit of lines so if I feel your voice is a fit for a certain extra I'll let you know! If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to message me on here and I'll try my best to reply as soon as I can :) Good luck! and as always, have fun!!!
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Latest Updates
Hey everyone! Sorry for the slight delay in casting! But the cast list is finally here! Thank you all again so much for auditioning for this project and just showing me the utmost respect and support for this dub! I'll leave the cast list here as well! If you want any feedback or anything please message me and I'll get right back to you! Also, We are still looking for some additional Male and Female Extras so if you'd still like to lend your voice as an extra please message me! Here's the cast list: Urara Shiraishi: Lunafreya Toranosuke Miyamura: WhetBrett Ushio Igarashi: CJEllis Kentaro Tsubaki: MelancholyVA Haruma Yamazaki: itsthepinoyboy Mikoto Asuka: User_Enchanted Black-Haired Delinquent: brycedenton Noa Takigawa: Jay Levi Maria Sarushima: LexaMarie Meiko Otsuka: froboty Hideaki Tsurukawa: Esabourin Mitsuru Kameda: Byssian Flare Shinichi Tamaki: Blur OverDrive Rika Saionji: Zilpa Eden Karen Kimishima: AnnieHulegaard
WOW! (Deadline Approaching & When Casting will finish!)
Hey everyone! Thank you so much to everyone that's auditioned thus far! I am blown away with the amount of auditions and support we've received through this casting call! You all sound amazing! Just wanted to update you all on two things! 1. You may have noticed the deadline date has changed to the 18th on the casting call. HOWEVER, It's only because I always meant for the deadline to be on 7/17/20 at 11:59pm EST so the last day to really audition is still the 17th you just have the whole day to submit your audition! 2. The cast list will be ready Sunday night! I'll need Saturday and possibly Sunday to talk with my co-casting directors about decisions and who to cast in what role! So keep an eye out for the cast list on 7/19 at around 10pm EST (Could be earlier or possibly a bit later, it depends!) Thanks again for all the auditions and support it means a lot! Good luck to all of you! And again if you have any comments, questions or concerns please feel free to message me! Thanks! - Houkago Dub Time

Urara Shiraishi is an exceptionally brilliant student known to be cold and asocial, due to her being ostracized by the students of Suzaku High. Because of this, she is initially shown to have jaded views about the educational system and people in general, having been tricked in the past into believing people wanted to be her friends, only to be relentlessly bullied due for her beauty and intelligence. While she still remains nonchalant and serious most of the time, Shiraishi occasionally shows her warmer side towards Ryu. Her voice is soft and elegant but when switched with Yamada is lower and more “boyish”. (Voice Range: Medium – Medium High)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tc4rgZr0stCCsjSO61i-N1B1ymPGBRUp/view?usp=sharing)
No worries, Yamada. I am good at math.
(As Yamada) *Shocked noise* (Trying to be girly) O-of course not!
(As Yamada) That means one thing. The Supernatural Studies Club won’t get disbanded on my watch. Odagiri. Ushio. Please…will you two please help us out!

Toranosuke Miyamura is very charismatic, being able to easily charm most people around him thanks to his looks and being friendly in general. He is also quite lazy and has skewed priorities, preferring to leave major works to Ryu and prioritize perverted things over what is really important. Despite everything said, he is intelligent and observant, being able to organize many complicated plans and goals, loyal to his friends and values their friendship. Comedic timing is a must for this role! (Voice range: Medium) Note: When switched with Itou, his voice goes higher and becomes feminine.
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FMT-85jTxABu38OWxTU6fha5rQsoz_du/view?usp=sharing)
Now that we’re set, Shiraishi! I’ve got this maid outfit that’s dying to be worn so- (Cut off)
(As Itou) Oh no! That idiot just blew his cover.
Are you insane or something?! If you do that, who knows what he’ll do to- (Sits down) Oh well.

Being friends with Ryu once before their falling-out in high school, Ushio has a similar personality to him, being hot-headed and reckless, although he is a more careful person as compared to Ryu. After being infatuated with Nene, his personality switched to that of a loyal dog: only following Nene's orders to the absolute detail. (Voice Range: Medium Low - Low)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BE2g1beWMZ8SIHYGfWGwr7wOxOLWmM9n/view?usp=sharing)
Well you came prepared, didn’t you?
(With Miyamura on his back) Get off me you weirdo!
(Nervous) Y-you want me to dance with you?

Initially, a bit of a loner he becomes friends with Ryu and joins the Supernatural Study Club. Once he does, Kentaro is shown to become a more cheerful person. Even though he still teases and screws with Ryu from times to times, Kentaro respects him as friend and gives up on his hopeless crush on Urara while becomes friend with her. Kentaro is also shown to be an honest person, always saying what he has on his mind exactly. (Voice Range: Medium – Medium-High)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dWUlC-7baWYk0gUFWSTFayY7QA1HcjEF/view?usp=sharing)
Hey! Don’t you feel sorry for this cold tempura? At least let me refry it now.
*Annoyed sigh* So what you just want me to go along and do this girly performance with you all?
Then all we have to do is not place last.

When introduced, Haruma was displayed to be a calculating yet joyous person alongside his secretary, Mikoto Asuka. Because he is the president of the student council, he knew everything there is to know about the first set of witches, able to bring the most important witch under his order. He saw Ryu as a threat, because no one is allowed to even know of the witches except for the executives of the student council. This makes him a dictator of sorts, until Leona and the other 3rd years are able to change his heart, back to when he founded the Supernatural Studies Club alongside Leona. (Voice Range: Medium – Medium Low)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fZR6r_NvWMjD9W6yKqAadKbB51NSIAL7/view?usp=sharing)
Let’s get going, Asuka!
Yamada, do me a favor okay? Keep this confidential from the other clubs.
Especially with you, oh boy…

Mikoto is described as beautiful, smart, athletic and influential, and was considered to be quite popular and well-known among most students. However, she did not want this and would rather be a normal student. She is always seen around President Yamazaki and is very protective of him. (Voice Range: Medium - Medium-High)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L4meIxIGlian2fmUYAX5dch2Zx3y925t/view?usp=sharing)
Checking activity on President Yamazaki’s orders. *Small giggle* Perhaps he felt uneasy entrusting you with everything.
How worrisome. Can you all even dance on such a big stage?
That was close. Are you okay, President?

The leader of his group of delinquents. He is the same guy that tricked Itou into buying fake supernatural items. He’s got issues with both Yamada & Miyamura. (Voice Range: Medium-Low – Low) Note: When switched with Yamada his voice gets a little higher. (ONLY APPEARS IN OVA 2)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x8wmWpicX5asbjEdeZ1cxEdUVcC9AMQA/view?usp=sharing)
Just who I didn’t wanna see, Yamada.
*Being hit, flying through the air and falling grunt*
(As Yamada) Wait I’m the one running away? (Realizes) Aw crap… I switched bodies with him!

At first, Noa herself can be seen as a troublemaker, calculating, and even possibly a malicious individual as many have believed that she has blackmailed Saeko, Keigo, and Ren into becoming her friends/minions. She is not afraid to use strength when threatened and is a fairly intelligent person. As Ryu becomes closer to her, it is revealed that she is actually a good person at heart. Her friendship with her three friends are pure and true and she wishes to help them solve their problems but cannot find a good way to do so. She holds Ryu in high regard as he is the first person to understand her loneliness and is the first person to make her full of happiness. (Voice Range: Medium-High – High)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DT-A9zRkRr9r0eHYOHj0N_Pzqi04HbDQ/view?usp=sharing)
(Impressed) Oh wow! Sure! I’ll do it!
(Fangirling) Yamada! Look over here!

Maria is generally very friendly and easygoing, rarely shown to be in a bad mood and easily able to talk to anyone. She is physically affectionate towards her friends as she likes to kiss and hug them. She is also shown to have a flirtatious streak, especially towards Yamada as she comes with a few suggestive comments around him and even uses her tongue to kiss him. Due to her flirtatious and friendly personality along with her attractive look, Maria is a relatively popular student. (Voice Range: Medium – Medium-High)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S8PvuIR3_SxjwP4h6WG2cNr7_adaYhll/view?usp=sharing)
(Cheerful) Girls, ready to practice our pyramid?
Good! But too bad…because we’re taking first place.

Meiko is a shy and soft-spoken girl, who usually employed the use of her telepathy to communicate with her classmates. Due to her lack of experience dealing with people, she expresses a timid demeanor in most of her appearances; In spite of these introverted tendencies and her demanding alter-ego, she usually appears as a kind and trustworthy individual who prefers to avoid conflict and is willing to help her classmates in times of need. She is the president of the manga club. (Voice Range: Medium-High – High)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f4TQb5r6cVo2bb6rQ1ATUJOwGyzTU3WM/view)
(Nervous) I-I can’t. I’m not a dancer.
That prize money is as good as ours!

Hideaki is a member of the manga club. He is usually around Meiko as she has the ability to communicate with Hideaki and Mitsuru with her telepathy. He is defensive of Meiko when Yamada tries to recruit her for their performance. (Voice Range: Medium – Medium-High)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yk3wqS8teGXIwA8fttEJ_1BTbem5_sza/view?usp=sharing)
(Defensive) Miss. Otsuka is our club leader!
(Spotting with Binoculars) Target spotted!

Mitsuru is a member of the manga club. He is usually around Meiko as she has the ability to communicate with Mitsuru and Hideaki with her telepathy. He is defensive of Meiko when Yamada tries to recruit her for their performance. (Voice Range: Medium – Medium Low)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ocqKzCQUnMbfRCSYbkb5T5H2CXTDP1uB/view?usp=sharing)
(Defensive) She doesn’t have time to help the likes of you.
(Commanding) Open fire! Light em up!

Shinichi has a rude and lazy personality by not helping his classmates. He also appeared to be cold and calculated. As he becomes friends with Ryu and other, Shinichi starts to develop confidence and believe in friendship and eventually, stops abusing his power but instead uses his own strength. (Voice Range: Medium-High – High)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_73tMp6UVgJXgV05ge_SfPKbKA-wWtp_/view)
I didn’t even use my invisibility spell!
(Flustered) Ah!

Rika's personality at first makes her seem like a happy and easy-going girl who tries to amuse everyone with her quirks and perverted tendencies, though she has an aggressive side that tends to come out when she feels threatened. (Voice Range: High)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N0PJR7slcZ1DR12pd1Cs0TDo1QCW9Tuz/view?usp=sharing)
(Embarrassed) *Scream*
Jeez! Why is everyone running past me like that! Hm! Hm! Hm!

Karen is the captain of the Girl’s Archery team. She is serious and disciplined. She is called upon by President Yamazaki to catch the delinquents making a ruckus at the school festival. (Voice Range: Medium – Medium-High)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wYizc9F_H8Fy1Wlkcm0eaITm3i4qJtCo/view?usp=sharing)
Stay focused as the festival draws near.
(Assertive) So you must be the dirt bag that the SSC has been looking all over for.

Male students at Suzuku High. (Will be messaged directly if casted as an extra!)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/153s8N5nJ1xJZc0WJ5O9Th7_xhlTEXgoT/view?usp=sharing)
(Various/Seeing Shiraishi (Yamada) running and screaming) Huh? What? Ah…

Female students at Suzuku High. (Will be messaged directly if casted as an extra!)
Reference Video: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/153s8N5nJ1xJZc0WJ5O9Th7_xhlTEXgoT/view?usp=sharing)
(Various/Seeing Shiraishi (Yamada) running and screaming) Huh? What’s going on? Why’s she running? Oh my goodness. Ah…*Scream*
Public Submissions