Pesterquest Fandub

ConorLNC for Dave Strider

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dave Strider

NOTE: We'd like for you to repeat the lines twice if you have a different variation for how you will choose to voice Candy Dave! We are also looking specifically for 18+ y/o voice actors for this role!

  • DAVE: anyway egbert told me youd show up eventually

    DAVE: which i never doubted for a second since one of the core tenets of the united states postal service is that you visit four extremely specific and spread out teenagers while sweating all over yourself

    DAVE: practically a crime to not be increasingly moist while out here delivering letters on the roof of a skyrise

    DAVE: which as you know is the most effective and legal way to drop off the post

    DAVE: clammier than a new england potluck and wandering around on the roof

    DAVE: with no packageĀ 

Pesterquest Fandub
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