Pesterquest Fandub
Hatbird for Gamzee Makara
Voice Actor
Gamzee Makara
GAMZEE: yOu'Re TaLkInG aLl ThE dEeP mOtHeRfUcKiN hErEsIeS tOdAy.
GAMZEE: TuRnInG dOwN a PeRfEcTlY gOoD pIe WhAt CoUlD hAvE gOt Us WeLl AnD tRuLy SeEiNg ThE gLoRiEs WhAt'S tHe MeSsIaHs PuT uP oN tHiS pLaNeT
GAMZEE: dOn'T tAkE aWaY mY mIrAcLeS tOo.
GAMZEE: Oh DaNg BrOtHeR a NuTrImErCeNaRy nEvEr GiVeS aWaY hIs SeCrEt InGrEdIeNt.
GAMZEE: AlLs YoU nEeD tO kNoW iS tHiS iS...
GAMZEE: tHe GoOd ShIt.
GAMZEE: YoU wAnT tO sEe ThE mIrAcLeS tHe WaY i SeE tHeM, i KnOw YoU dO.
GAMZEE: i CaN hEaR iT iN yOuR vOiCe, I cAn SeE iT iN yOuR sEe-StAlKs, ThIs Is ThE sHiT tHaT iS gOnNa PuT yOu AlL tHe WaY uP oVeR tHe ToP.
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