Transformers: Knights of Cybertron (Stop-Motion Series) Cast Signups
omnitheleader for Nitro
Nitro has completed more bombing runs than any other Decepticon flyer... he's also been shot down more than any other as well. He has a bit of an issue when it comes to thinking through his plans, usually opting to charge in and think of a better way he could've handled the situation after he's turned a platoon of Autobots into scrap. Prone to jealousy, Nitro will harbor a grudge for years before finding the perfect way to get rid of his rival. If only he were so patient and methodical when it came to other things...
Nitro Zeus was a fun if worthless character in "The Last Knight", so I decided to give the character a chance to do something and make more of a name for himself rather than be known for being "Generic Decepticon gang member #3". No preference for the voice on this one, give me whatever you've got.
"Air support on the way."
"We going to get messy, boss?"
"I love the sound of dead Autobots underfoot..."