[PAID] D&D Cartoon Series (Curse of Strahd)

JayOrtizVA for Ismark

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ekcoes

Ismark Kolyanavich is the current burgomaster of the Village of Barovia (he's basically the mayor).
His father died, his sister is pursued by a vampire lord, and he's recently become the town leader despite people not really respecting him as such. He drinks a lot.

His voice should sound rough and mature. He's only in his late 30s, but looks and sounds a bit older due to the stress of his situation.

UPDATE: Thank you all so far who've auditioned! As I'm listening to your auditions, I'm beginning to get a better idea of what I'm looking for with this character.
First, let me clarify that he does not need to have an eastern European accent. I am going to reserve that for the Vistani characters. This is because the Vistani are a distinct ethnic group and having a shared accent makes them feel more real, whereas Ismark and the many other Barovians are a scattered, diverse group of citizens with no shared origin. Additionally, it will then be easier to cast these future characters since they are allowed to have North American or English accents, and the vast majority of VAs have or can imitate one of those accents.
My main focus is on the line delivery. When you audition (and people that have already auditioned may send in another one if they'd like) I would like you to think about his tone.
He's actually naturally a joker and perhaps a hopeless romantic, but he has no energy for those things anymore - too much suffering has happened.
He's beaten down. Drinks during the day time. He's tired. Worn.
But damn it, he won't give up that easy. His sole goal in the story is to protect his sister from a being far more powerful than he is. He'd die for her, and intends to... but for the first time in a long time, he has found a glimmer of hope! 5 adventurers have survived the "Death House", and... maybe with their help, he can get his sister to safety!
Think about those motives when you audition and craft a voice to match that feeling. I know one of you out there is my Ismark! Good luck!

  • (serious, in a hushed voice) It’s about my adopted sister, Ireena Kolyana. She is hunted by the devil, and has been bitten twice already. I am concerned that as long as she remains in this village, she will never be safe. I would like her to retreat to the town of Vallaki, to the west of here. I was hoping your group could escort her there.

  • (looking at two letters in surprise) Ye-yes! What is going on here? This one inviting you here is clearly a forgery… (in lowered tone, eyeing Vistani in tavern) I suspect the Vistani are to blame for it. But this other letter telling you to leave… it has my father’s handwriting! He sent this out just days before… well…

  • (innocently) I’m really not hitting on you.

[PAID] D&D Cartoon Series (Curse of Strahd)
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