SoulShift (Anime YouTube Series)
Devin_DK for Kyo Kitsuno (Protagonist)

Kyo Kitsuno (Key-Yo Kit-Sue-Know)
Age: 16-17
Height/Weight: 5'10" / 145 lbs
Year: 9
Birthday: April 1st, 995
Birthplace: Monet, Sinpride
Hair Color: Black / Eye Color: Hazel
Kyo is unmotivated in life. He has no life plan, which is the reason why he doesn't try in school. He is actually quite bright, but all his classmates see him as unintelligent. He lives alone with his mother, who is an alcoholic because Kyo's father died in Old Fiona. Kyo is sarcastic and pessimistic and comes off as rude to everyone, but just calls himself "honest". Kyo's voice sounds bored and apathetic normally, but slightly amused when he's being sarcastic or rude. He should sound similar to Persona 3's protagonist.
1) This "jerk" is paying for your food, washboard.
2) [Say this like how characters in JRPGs shout their battle lines] SOUL SHIFT!
3) ...Interesting. I don't have time for this. Tell my mom that paying some prostitute to sleep with me isn't gonna me make more popular.
4) *whisper* Not so loud you idiot!
5) Okay, one: how are you so chipper again, and two: absolutely not. Also, HOW do you exist now? This can't be like, MAGIC, right?
6) Look, I don't have time to hear this stupid argument. Either make out or divorce already. Can I PLEASE use your shower?