Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)
PrestonDCale for Dr. Turner Grey

Short-tempered and spiteful; Dr. Turner Grey is completely absorbed in his own problems and appears to have a miserable personality which really makes you wonder about his bedside manner.
Dr. Grey is rude, crass, and indifferent to anything that isn't his problems and should sound miserable and bitter at all times.
(Trying to drum up a response from Wright who doesn't seem as upset as he is)
"It's really quite upsetting. Did you hear me!? UPSETTING!"(Explaining events from his skewed perspective)
"The one that screwed up was that nurse! It was her that got the medications mixed up and killed those 14 patients! And yet! Now listen good! And yet! That nurse had the nerve to go and die before admitting to her wrongdoing!"(Angry that it's a nice day because the weather forecaster said it would rain)
"No, not at all. That stupid weather girl made the wrong call again. "It will rain cats and dogs today!" she said with a straight face. I can't believe they allow such misguided reports on the public airwaves!"

Absolutely perfect
