Original Text Adventure {NEW PAGE IN BIO}
Rachel Crosby for Rowe
Liam's accomplice and version of the mysterious bard that 2 of our players encountered in their stories. However, Rowe turned out to be a lot different to Prio; she's been away from Liam for years after they used to work together, and she's now back to reap vengeance for some occurrences that went on back then. She's unstable, hellbent on vengeance and loving it. Think maniacal, but still somewhat in control apart from a couple of outbursts.
No age/ specific accent in mind for her at all.
She may possibly feature in future episodes!
*DEADLINE- 03/03/2020*
Liam's been captured by Rowe, who's about to torture them as punishment for events in the past. She's being playful with it, yet is still very intimidating. She's harboured a lot of hate for many years and is finally getting the chance to act on it.
Oh! Oh how polite of you to ask.
She preens her weapon.
Well, turns out after we disbanded our sellsword ways, I was captured by, let's say, an unsavoury group. They had a little torture here, a little torture there, but sadly I didn't give them the information they wanted. Luckily, I helped one of their members forget to close my shackles of an evening.
She pauses, staring at Liam
Funny how vampire blood is trickier to get out of garments than human blood, eh?
She goes back to her weapon
Anyhow, couple o' weeks later I found a little sparrow who sang songs of the fang'ed few, and betrayal of the up close and personal kind. Naturally, I chased the bird, plucked a few feathers out to help it sing the whole song.
She feigns being upset
Sadly the little bird didn't make it.
She becomes more serious
Lucky for us though, she survived long enough to delve deeper into her stories.
A vision of her is haunting Liam.
Come now, don't struggle. This time, you're in my domain. You need not be frustrated. Or, maybe you should. You've lost. Don't you see?
She gets closer to Liam, & bends down to whisper in his ear. She's deadly serious
You are nothing. I was using you as soon as I met you.
Choking on her own blood after an unsuccessful fight with Liam. She could well die from the injuries.
Hah.. you didn't... fuckin know...? You're not-
She cries in pain as she's stabbed once again