The Kaard-Case Project [A Deltarune AU] - (Minor update as of 2/6/2020)

Gravebear for The King of Clubs (Al)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The King of Clubs (Al)
Role assigned to: The OC Creator

The Character
The King of Clubs- To him, power is everything. His status and his title as king are more important to him than even his own life, and he has an unquenchable thirst for power. He believes the best way to rule the kingdom is by way of the classic Iron Grasp, putting in place absurd punishments for breaking even the most trivial rule. He keeps the court of clubs in line by way of intimidation, having a rule set in place that, no matter how small a transgression, if he catches you breaking a law you are going to have to fight him right then and there on the spot until you can no longer stand. He stands at an absurd height, towering over the other kings and even the Knight by a noticeable margin. His military prowess and physical prowess make him a force to be reckoned with, though he has a weakness: Unlike the other kings, his magic is poor and limited. To make up for it, he fights with sheer power, doing so physically instead of from a distance. He has gone through usage of multiple weapons, though he has always resorted to his fists in battle. He puts an enormous amount of pressure on his son, Banter, as he feels that their petite nature (Banter is the shortest character in Kaard-Case) is going to hurt him as a king. Overall, the King of Clubs is the most powerful of the kings in terms of sheer force, and both his comrades and the kingdom know it well.

The voice
This voice is a tough one. We want it to be VERY low. He has a booming voice that he often uses to demand respect without having to word such a request out. He shouts a lot, but when he isn't shouting his voice is somewhat muffled by his helmet, which he refuses to remove even while he's resting. Sometimes, he trails off into mumbles that nobody can understand- feel free to use filters to handle all this stuff if you want! Remember that we need it to stay natural sounding, though, so don't pitch yourself down by 20 notches or anything crazy.

Format reminder
Quotation marks (") mark the dialogue, and brackets [ ] mark direction. Even if the brackets show up in the middle of a line, don't read that part- just use it as a note for how to deliver the line.

  • "Banter, my son... come fourth. You know the rules against misdeeds as well as anyone, and yet you continue to play by the foolish shenanigans of your fellow princes with no regard for your reputation. Had you not been my son, punishment would be in order- But know this, Banter: At this rate, you will never be king."

    [Clubs is VERY harsh on Banter, so this line is simple in delivery: Speak like a disappointed parent]

  • "FOOL! Your transgression will not be overlooked! No matter the deed, all rules must be upheld at any cost! Take up your weapon and prepare for combat! PUNISHMENT IS AT HAND!"

    [Clubs says this EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. he gets in a fight with someone who broke the rules. This doesn't stop him from giving it a dramatic delivery, though- speak as if you think your bringing down some sort of unseen justice that only you can deliver]

  • "I'm well aware that we have to keep our own people safe, but I don't really get how we're supposed to be kings if we can't even..." [Trail off into mumbles]

The Kaard-Case Project [A Deltarune AU] - (Minor update as of 2/6/2020)
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