Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages Manga Dubs
Ganon appears in the Oracle of Ages manga.
Ganon is known as the King of Evil. He is incompletely resurrected by Twinrova, and is a raging, mindless beast that wants nothing but to destroy all and kill all. He is ultimately defeated by Link, Sir Raven, Ralph, and Queen Ambi’s army.
Ganon is a large monster, and during this time is unintelligent yet powerful. I want him to sound like all he wants is to cause destruction, and not the cunning manipulativeness of his past self in previous games. I would like for their to be a roughness to his voice.
Any accent is welcome. Low range.
Kill all... Smash all...
Destroy... Kill all!
*Improvise since there's not much variety in lines*
I really like your voice! I feel like if there was Ganondorf here instead, or if Ganon in these games still had his intelligence, then you would definitely fit the part!
Thank you so much for the kind words