Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages Manga Dubs
Kogre for General Onox
Onox appears in both manga.
Onox is the General of Darkness, who wishes to ruin the land of Holodrum by capturing the Oracle of Seasons and throw the seasons into chaos. He is recruited by Twinrova and is tasked with lighting the Flame of Destruction through these actions in Holodrum, bringing the resurrection of Ganon one step closer. He succeeds in this task in the end, even after his defeat at the hands of Link, Piyoko, Ricky, and Maple. His true form is that of a dragon.
General Onox is pure evil, mocking the hero and his friends throughout their journey. I envision a deep, brooding voice emanating from this character. One that is very intimidating and mocking.
Any accent is welcome. Low range.
There is no mercy for anyone who gets in my way. Not even a single ant!
Do you see? That's the power of the General of Darkness. It saps all manner of power, destroying all life.
Shall I crush you to death slowly? No... I think I'll burn you to a crisp!!
I do have you in mind for another character, actually. I do have one question though, is the echo in your audition intentional or part of your recording space? I promise that in this particular case it won't affect my decision, I was just curious
Oh that echo is just a mistake that normally doesn't happen. besides that, I'm intrigued for which role you think I would be a fit for.
Well, would you like to be Medlock? I think what you did here for Onox would be perfect!
Alright, i will be able to drop an audition down for medlock tomorrow morning. Thank you for the suggestion!
No problem! You don't even have to formally audition for Medlock if you don't want to. I'd love to just straight up cast ya if that's alright with you
Oh thats perfectly fine as well then!