Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages Manga Dubs
WispyParadox for Guards
Voice Actor
Guards appear in both manga.
I would like 3-5 different VA’s for this role. The guards are a more prominent role in the Oracle of Ages manga as opposed to the Oracle of Seasons manga.
Any accent is welcome. All ranges welcome.
Hey! What's all the commotion there?!
What's this? A sword and shield? Weapons are forbidden! And all other personal items, too!!
Raven, you are the worst scum of all... Pretending loyalty but working against the Queen all the while! You're a disgrace to the knighthood, traitor! Our orders are to take you alive, but I'm going to kill you like a dog!!
Also sorry about the slight background noise forgot to turn off the water filter. I can always turn this off if needed
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