Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages Manga Dubs

hypervoiceacting for Ricky

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Finntroll

Ricky appears in the Oracle of Seasons manga.

Ricky is a kangaroo, whose most prized possession is his boxing gloves. He faced Blaino in a boxing match, but had lost, and Blaino took his boxing gloves. Ricky asks for Link to get them back for him, so Link faces against Blaino and wins them back. He aids Link on his quest to return the seasons to normal.

Ricky is very excitable, and greatly admires Link for his strength. He is very friendly and would do anything to help his friends. I imagine Ricky having an energetic voice.

Any accent is welcome. Medium to High range.

  • I lost my gloves in a boxing match. But if I don't have those gloves, I can't do anything! What am I gonna do?

  • Tornado Punch!!

  • Hey Link, ol' pal, you don't have to be sad. Just wave that Rod of Seasons!

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages Manga Dubs
MacKenzie B
MacKenzie B

Would it be more comfortable to do the voice without the accent? If so, I'd love to hear that take as well!


    Oh it wasn't that I was uncomfortable at it, I was just trying to make a joke lol I can do a take without it, sure

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