Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages Manga Dubs
CrystallinedVA for Din

Din appears in both manga.
Din is the Oracle of Seasons, who is responsible for regulating the seasons of Holodrum. She is a very talented and famous dancer in Holodrum, and travels with a troupe of performers in order to evade General Onox, who intends to imprison her in order to throw the natural order into chaos.
Din has a very energetic personality and loves to dance. She is also known to be a very caring person and would do anything to help others. I want her energetic personality to be reflected greatly within her voice, which would be a nice contrast to the calm, somewhat timid Nayru.
Any accent is welcome. Medium to High range.
This is terrible... The General of Darkness made these marks... Has he come this far? How much barren land does he have to spread before he stops?
Boss! You can't just bully people into doing what you want them to! Link's dream is to become a knight.
I love the seasons. But more than anything, I love to dance.