Project: Vigilante, Game Changers Arc
King Soda for Raijun Saif Al-Fuwad

Deadline: 7th November 2019
Voice/Language: Casual, very little slang; deep and neutral or monotone voice, but be careful not to make him sound bored or fatigued; no (heavy) accent
History/relationships: Used to be close to Reaper but has distance himself from her; friend and leader to Alvah as King of Spades. A character of Eastern origin.
Personality: A cold character, due to his parents having passed away, all his emotions slowly got worn down into nothingness. On the off chance he does show emotion, it's of the negative variety. Doesn’t enjoy dealing with Reaper and her antics all the time in addition to his current responsibilities
Feel free to experiment with the wording and tones of the lines, I'd be interested to hear what you've got!
Annoyed, dismissive
"Are you done? I have better things to do than deal with a charity case."
Dismissive, defensive
"We're not related. She's not my sister."
Impatient, aggressive
"Give me one good reason why I should help."
Concerned, but trying to hide it
"I wish you would what you're told.
Monologue; monotone voice, slight irritation in some parts
"Hm? What do you want? Rai, King of Spades, what's it to you? If you want Reaper, she's not here. Probably on some errand she calls a mission. I imagine she'll be a while so come back later. Is there a reason you're asking about me? For all I know you're an undercover officer. Get lost, I don't have time for this."