Banjo-Kazooie Fandub (For a playthrough)
decapit8tedmuffin for Bottles

Bottles is a main character of the game. His role is the tutorial guy, giving Banjo and Kazooie new moves and abillities to help them defeat Gruntilda and rescue Tooty. He is often the target for Kazooie's insults, and he even insults her too.
You can go any route you want with Bottles, just make your voice sound like a cartoon mole.
Listen up, I'm Bottles, the short-sighted mole!
Yippee! You've collected enough notes to break the first note door spell!
Hmm...your energy is a bit low. I'll fill it up for you.

tfskrillin mole classic

Haha. I always read Bottles' voice as Krillin for some reason, so why not?

Haha. I always read Bottles' voice as Krillin for some reason, so why not?

i actually thought u was lanipator

I wish I was ;;x;; Everybody wants to be Krillin...right?

lol that's true i know megami33 on voice acting alliance but that's it. i have been in a skype call with him ages ago nice guy