Noah Simcox

Noah Simcox


Joined Jan 2023 6 Following0 Followers
About Noah Simcox

Hi! I'm Noah, a musician from the good 'ol USA. In addition to composing music for various games, short films, etc., I've also released a rock album and am working on a folk follow-up! You can find my music on Spotify, Youtube, or on my website (

My favorite bands are The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Weezer, Tally Hall, and My Chemical Romance, but my FAVORITE BY FAR is Smash Mouth!!

My favorite instrument of all time is the Vox Continental Organ, but the Harpsichord comes close. Can ya tell I like keyboards?

What Noah Simcox is looking for

My all-time favorite projects to work on are Video Games, but any project in-need of music is enough to pique my interest!