Gavin Concepcion

Gavin Concepcion

Joined Apr 2019 10 Following9 Followers
About Gavin Concepcion

A voice actor, content creator, and shortie :)
Discord: Star Falchion#5476

  • @rhysins

    Having worked alongside Star on a multitude of projects as well as been more linked in some others, they have always been a class act who gives well over what is required. Also somewhat biased as he also helped me edit together a Six Voice Challenge video for me to upload online, so not only will he do well voice over work, but also just as well done video editing and content creating (he has helped create Smash Machinimas in the past).

  • @novacharles

    Well, what an absolute shining star of a man! He literally works as a minor character on a project we are in. You know, relatively one note, nothing to report there.

    But you know, few people can honestly make me believe he LOVES such a minor character like that. Whatever he decides to do, whatever he lays his hands on, he makes it his own. He knows all of what's expected of him and does even MORE than that. I can count so many times where his intellect and passion alone have sent him to become a star player. (Okay enough with the stupid puns)

    His creativity too, OH, his creativity. Dude honestly runs with whatever he has in his mind and just DOESN'T let anything stop him. I wholeheartedly believe that he is a daredevil when it comes to voice acting and videomaking: ready to rush in headlong into whatever needed, giving his input and his wonderful skills going to work. Use him to your best.

    Disappointment with him will never even cross your mind.