Shane King

Shane King

Professional Streamer trying to diversify in to the world of voice acting.

Joined Jun 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Shane King

My name is Shane King. I have been a professional streamer on Twitch since COVID hit in 2020. I'm now looking to branch out into other fields of interest. I don't have any specific voice acting or acting experience, but am hoping to dive in and get some. As a streamer I have done a lot of talking in front of people, all day long, and have even played a few different characters for fun on stream.

Even before I started streaming, I've been told I have a voice for radio, and have been told so, so many times that I sound like Will Arnett. I'm hoping to take my deep baritone voice and combine it with a yearning to act and gain acting experience and maybe it can turn into something fun!