Smith Vo

Smith Vo

Joined Sep 2021 1 Following1 Followers
About Smith Vo

The voice of Sou Hiyori for FireArt's fan cover of Meet the Cast from the YTTD fan musical. I'm an enthusiastic and hard working voice actor!

I do not consent to my voice being used for AI for any reason. Thank you!

What Smith Vo is looking for

I love video games and related projects, as well as singing, though at this stage I'm happy to do any voice work! This is something I do in my spare time so I'm happy to do whatever comes my way as I practice my skills and meet other creatives.

  • @FireArt

    Heeeeeyyy, hiya! If you are searching for someone to voice Sou Hiyori in any fanwork of yours, I can 100% recommend working with Smith Vo. He is a part of my Cover of "Meet The Cast" and did an awesome job! It's also not the only voice he can do well, I am sure any project of yours he auditions for, he'd do amazing in!!