Hello to those viewing this if you're looking up information about me or want to get the jest to what I'm about. My name is Sly, actual name is Logan. I'm a small voice actor who begin doing this as a small hobby but soon have become more engrossed into it. I am mainly an artist however I'm more then welcome to do parts for just about anything really.
My vocal range can lean more to a tenor side but I can also do a particularly good job at Lower Tone voices as long as it's not too deep for my vocal cords. While I've gotten to play the parts of a few characters in some smaller projects, I hope to improve myself and become much better over the years. I do hope that I can achieve it within this coming 2020.
If you would like to ask me about changing a role for another don't be afraid to ask, I'm more then willing to give it a try as long as it suits me. I'm currently looking forward to working with more people in the future. I'll be posting my links to Videos I have been apart of VAing wise so you can get a taste of what that's like in those scenarios. If you have any questions, do not be afraid to contact me!
Here is a Link to the Projects I have been apart of Voice Acting wise:
If you're wanting to get ahold of me about any projects or anything I had happened to audition for, my discord is SlyChestnut#1014