Scattered Bullseye
Scattered Bullseye
@scattered_bullseyeHi, welcome to my profile!
About Scattered Bullseye
Hi! Welcome to my profile!
I'm Scattered Bullseye!
(also known as The Sexy Waffle Maid or Striker Wolf)
I identify as transgender (FTM) and my pronouns are he/him. I have recently started hormone treatment, therefore I am still trying to get used to my new voice. I can only voice roles such as teens, children, and any other younger sounding roles. I do both male and female voices, (mostly female) both sounding very unique.
I have been acting for seven years now. I also have experience in singing and theater as well. I don't usually audition for singing roles on CCC, because i'm still learning how to edit music in new programs. I previously took singing lessons, but actively I don't sing too much anymore. Voice acting is my main focus and passion.
How Often Do You Check Your CCC Account?
I check my Casting Call Club account every day, sometimes even two or three times a day. I often try my best to stay in touch with everyone who awaits a response from me, so you'll never have to wait on me for too long. ^^
Contacting Information
If you have any questions, feel free to contact my Discord, The Sexy Waffle Maid#8770 Or just simply personal message me here and I'll get back to you as fast as I can.
Demos & Samples
Voice Demo August 2018