Scattered Bullseye

Scattered Bullseye

Hi, welcome to my profile! 

Joined Aug 2017 24 Following10 Followers
About Scattered Bullseye

Hi! Welcome to my profile! 

 I'm Scattered Bullseye!

(also known as The Sexy Waffle Maid or Striker Wolf)

 I identify as transgender (FTM) and my pronouns are he/him. I have recently started hormone treatment, therefore I am still trying to get used to my new voice. I can only voice roles such as teens, children, and any other younger sounding roles. I do both male and female voices, (mostly female) both sounding very unique. 

 I have been acting for seven years now. I also have experience in singing and theater as well. I don't usually audition for singing roles on CCC, because i'm still learning how to edit music in new programs. I previously took singing lessons, but actively I don't sing too much anymore. Voice acting is my main focus and passion.

How Often Do You Check Your CCC Account? 

I check my Casting Call Club account every day, sometimes even two or three times a day. I often try my best to stay in touch with everyone who awaits a response from me, so you'll never have to wait on me for too long. ^^

Contacting Information
If you have any questions, feel free to contact my Discord, The Sexy Waffle Maid#8770 Or just simply personal message me here and I'll get back to you as fast as I can.

Demos & Samples
Voice Demo August 2018