About magicaquartz
Hello everyone! I’m Chas, and I’m a nonbinary voice actor. I’m a huge nerd with a passion for anime and video games.
Lady Romelle of Pollux - GUNZ
Runo - Bakugan Battle Brawlers Abridged
Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon - CE Crystal (Episode 48)
Runo - Bakugan Battle Brawlers Abridged
Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon - CE Crystal (Episode 48)
Poppy - Colors: The Audio Series
Attended from fall of 2017 to spring of 2019. Learned the basics of theatre/acting.
Started attendance in fall of 2019. Scheduled to graduate spring of 2023. Advanced skills in acting/designing.
$5 - $30
What magicaquartz is looking for
I honestly want to dip my toes into any project that I can. As an actor, I want to keep testing and improving my skills.