

Joined May 2020 1 Following0 Followers
About sarahjeaton

Hello! My name is Sarah Eaton, I am 26 years old and hail from Maine. I have recently dove into the voice acting world and am excited to start this journey. I have always been interested in creating characters and story. I have been an avid gamer the last 6 or so years and this is when I truly saw my creativity take off.

Over the past year I starting role-playing on gaming servers and it has changed my life. I never thought I would have the confidence and ability to bringĀ  a fictional character to life. I fully immerse myself when I find a bond to a story or character. I absolutely love acting!

I hope I am able to showcase my skills as best as I can!

Thank you so much for considering me as a candidate to fill a role in your story.

Much love,