@salazar79It's not about what you are. It's about who you are.
I'm an aspiring artist that has a vast performing discography. I've been performing for the stage for eight years. I can sing, dance, act...the whole nine yards! I'm also a well-acquainted script writer for seven years. I have a short film, television show, and several short plays in my repertoire. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me on discord, or check out my website!
Discord: KnowingApex#2204
I'm looking for any projects that I can be apart of!
Ben (KnowingApex/Salazar79) really knocked it out of the park! He was extremely professional and prompt with his work and he always took the time to redo lines as needed. Though, I have to say, of the whole of his part he only ever needed to redo maybe 2% of his lines, he was really able to capture the character give one hell of a performance.