

Willing to give a voice to anyone who needs one!! (Mainly men though)

Joined Sep 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About RyoshiGaming18

Male VA

Age: 18

Profession: College Student

Sexuality: Pansexual

Taken: Yes

I like to use voice acting as a hobby that I hope to take further, but I need roles for that first, care to help?


None Yet! Will change once more recommendations for me flood in

What RyoshiGaming18 is looking for

Voice Overs, Original Characters, Comics, You name it!! No NSFW though, regardless of payment

  • @Krys_TheDemon

    Ryoshi is a great staff! I’ve had him as a proofreader for one project, and a voice actor for 3 other projects! His voice range is incredible and and so is his ability to do things! (* ^^ *)